
Grandmother’s Basket is a place we can share the projects, recipes, crafts, gardens and history of our grandmothers and things inspired by them. It is a place where we can share our heritage and the wonderful things we have learned from our grandmothers. Our grandmother’s were amazing women. They themselves were raised in some of the hardest times and gained some great skills from that experience.

Grandma Mortimer

Grandma Mortimer was a spitfire. She was the most knowledgeable woman I know and seemed to know everything. Growing up next to her was one of the greatest things. I remember always going over to see her and her making me a peanut butter and honey sandwich. I remember her teaching me how to write my name and teaching me how to read. She was a great teacher. She had a very firm testimony in Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon.


Hi! We are the Mortimer Sisters. We grew up on a dairy farm in a little Idaho town. There are 4 boys and 4 girls in our family, my mom wanted a square dance team and got it, but the funny thing is we have never square danced all together. We grew up close to a lot of our cousins and family members including Grandma Mortimer next door and Grandma Mortensen about 15 minutes away. We find heritage to be a very important part of our lives and hope to share what our grandmothers taught us and who they were.


How to make butter

I don’t ever remember making butter with either of my grandmothers but it’s definitely something I’ve watched and done many times with my Mom. I hope my kids are able to make butter with Grandma Doris. She has it down to a science. First off she uses the best raw milk around from her and …
